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Beach Baby Goat Yoga

A triple threat to de-stress, Namaaaste Goat Yoga is a great way to break from your normal mindset and reap the benefits of animal/laughter therapy and yoga! Open to yogis of every skill level, Namaaaste Goat Yoga is not your typical but still relaxing form of beginner level yoga that always involves smiles, laughter, giggles and of course, goats! Namaaste’s miniature goat breeds are just the right size (think Beagle-size or smaller) to jump on your back, snuggle in your lap or take a nap on your mat as you move through our certified instructor’s guidance. Watch your cares melt away with every goat touch and kiss. Beyond trendy, goat yoga is here to stay as many find unexpected joy in being in the moment and presence of goats.

May 28

Spring Fling

June 2

Lighthouse International Film Festival