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Virtual Science Saturday

Saving the Bay Edge - Projects Underway by Joe Guastella, ReClam the Bay

We have been hearing the concern and seeing the result of flooding, but who is doing anything? This Science Saturday discussion led by Joe Guastella will tell you about specific projects here in our bay to help combat flooding. Joe will highlight what we are learning and how much still needs to be done with the hope that you will be inspired to take action to save our beautiful lifestyle on the coast. This presentation will be live, on Zoom. Register below to receive the Zoom link.

Joe Guastella is a life-long gardener and lover of the outdoors. After living in Bergen County and moving to Ocean County a few years ago, he recognized that living shorelines are a work in process. Rutgers, ReClam The Bay, Mordecai Land Trust, Stockton University, NJ DEP and others are all moving the science and practical applications forward. He saw the need for the community to participate, got involved and encouraged others to as well. Joe is a Rutgers Certified Rain Garden Professional and a Rutgers Certified Shellfish Gardner. He also serves on the Board of Directors of ReClam the Bay.

March 22

Do Your Own Thing with Linda Ramsay

March 29

Southern Regional School District Student Art Exhibition + Awards Ceremony