Island Life Exhibition
A Contemporary Portrait Exhibition
Self or otherwise, the artists in this exhibition use presence of another person or object as an extension of traditional portraiture. Artwork exhibited includes but is not limited to drawing, painting, mixed media, collage, and 3D constructions.

Instead of presenting abstractions, symbols, and representations, this exhibition manifests the influence of water, wind, earth, and fire and pays tribute to the elements responsible for enabling life on Earth.

The 24th Annual National Juried Competition and Exhibition launches our summer season at the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences. We are pleased to present the artwork of 71 artists who live and work across more than 23 states in the US. The variety of media eligible for submission included drawing, painting on paper, hand pulled prints, photographic prints, digital works on paper, and paper constructions completed in the past two years for consideration. Although the “virtual” art world on-line has been palliative and to a degree satisfying, nothing can replace the immediacy and “in person” visual experience of seeing with our own eyes a work of art. The Works on Paper exhibit provides the opportunity to acknowledge the talent, innovation and individuality of seventy artists and the intangible relationship that forms between their work and the viewer.

Laura Ahola-Young

Christine Aaron

Greg Bahr

Andre Bassuet

Hugo Bastidas

Emily Beezley

Ashley Briggs

Sarah Bryant

Heather Cavalieri

Chris Chandler

Cathie Crawford

John Dobbie

Beth Dorsey

Fanelle White

Kath Frajbis

Gwen Gunter

Qingling Guo

Sibylle Hagmann

Susan Hennelly

Gregory Hennen

Judith Hummer

Rickie Jacobs

Joyce Jewell

Jori Johnson

Megan Johnson

Eric Kaepplinger

Anna Kenar

Jenny Keyser

Haya Kim

Michele Krauss

Matt Kuhlman

Ava Lambert

Debbi PC Lee

Marietta Leis

Jacqueline Maloney

Dominic Martelli

Heather McMordie

Joshua Meillier

Barbara Miner

Janice Nakashima

JP Nicolaides

Lynne Oddo

Nancy O'Hara

Mark Oldland

Amber Palecek

Katharine Philip

Corey Pressman

Nicholas Ruth

Chris Sancomb

Amy Schissel

Kenneth Schnall

Adina Segal

Jacqueline Sferra Rada

Beth Shadur

Morgan Shankweiler

Sloat Shaw

Hilary Sheehan

Helaine Soller

Janice Stanton

Jacquelyn Stryker

Nishiki Sugarwara-Beda

Jessica Tawszynksi

Roxanne Teng

Peter Tilgner

Janet Tsakis

Clark Valentine

Cynthia Laureen Vogt

Lily Wieleba

Elizabeth Wilde-Biasiny

Lauren Yandell